
The soul needs to create. We were made in the image of a Creator who, after setting the void that was the pre-historic universe ablaze with vibrant light and life, said, "Let us make mankind in our image." There we were, fresh out of the passionate fires of creation, by his side at the canvas. And with the charter to, "Be fruitful and multiply," the Creator was effectively handing us a paintbrush of our own to carry that beautiful and passionate image throughout the globe and to pass it down the lineage of human history.

This is my contribution to the canvas. This is my act of cherishing that paintbrush. But I didn't arrive here easily. Over the past few years, this blog's previous iterations served as incubators for the ideas contained here. It was the outcome of what I can only describe as a movement of a spirit that longed to express its questions, experiences, and adventures. In doing so, I looked closely at previous and then-current life events and honed my passion for writing by crafting those experiences into stories, poems, and sketches. The result was a 'map' of my soul's design as a creative being, made in the image of a creative Creator.

And now, having embraced this identity by observing the path behind, I'm ready to follow the trail forward into what lies ahead. It isn't easy. Sometimes we get tricked into thinking that life is a problem to be solved or a gauntlet to be endured rather than a canvas for fostering beauty and wonder. We get lost along the way, but every once in a while, something makes the soul come alive. It could be in the joy of a jubilant song or the way sunlight dances across the sky after a storm. Or it could be in the thunder of that storm or the reverent and broken silence of grief. Such have the potential to remind us that there is something else out there than all that we see, smell, hear, taste, and touch. Such deep tremors come from the pivoting of the soul, the turning of the Creator's compass which he instilled in us to find glimpses of his image and to reveal the trail back to him.

I am following that trail. Everything you will see here is something that I've seen, felt, and heard along the way. Everything you see here is an effort to tune the dial of that compass in response to its movements. I hope you will join me on the journey. In doing so, may you find what makes your compass dance. May you take courage and follow it home.