Overly considered distractions

Thistles and thoughts - a pair of like kind

Bristles get caught in the fabric of mind

Hooks that stick within cognitive space

Crooks that wick due peace from its place

These that some with ease brush away

Are thieves for some who endeavor to stay

Sapping the vine to thirst-ridden strings

Rapping the mind with repetitive things

Estranging all reason from the false and the real

Exchanging in treason a known for a feel

Drawn in by aroma of flowering notions

Brawn into coma by reductive motions

Bear I these thoughts by prick of the stem?

Dare I get caught in their poisons again?

Hither have I a thorn in the flesh?

Whither contrive the remedy best?

To leaven the mold that hems me today

Heaven has told me that there is a way

Every one captive, these thoughts that advance

Devilry active made weak by faith's stance

Jesus, the maker of all things and I

Frees us, the breaker of all things that bind

He who rends man from the leeches of sin

So intends to make whole his pieces within

From fading of hearts to rage-waters of mind

Come wading, Lord Jesus, 'tis yours to preside

Announce and lay claim, once more if you will

Pronounce by your name, "Peace, be still"

Tags: _writing _poetry _sketches _march2018 _2018