Heart's desire

The heart now sleeps within the chest

And dreams of where it is suited best

Yet, slumber spited, finds no rest

The heart yearns for things beyond the self

Past status, position, or material wealth

Of all places, the heart lists for somewhere else

The heart is a curious thing indeed

Akin to the paradoxical acorn seed

A tiny shell that hides a towering tree

The heart was given a thirst it seems

That cannot be quenched through earthly means

But ‘tween the banks of eternity’s streams

The heart is a story that will forever entail

A stout longing to find the hidden trail

A yearning to peer ‘round this present veil

The heart and its ways are akin to the rebel

Creative in manners to frustrate and meddle

To disrupt the plans of one willing to settle

The heart, after all, was forged in desire

Then set in a body amid the earth’s mire

To inspire its bearer to reach for things higher

The heart is a diamond that we borrow on loan

Not a trinket to hoard or trade or to own

And the God who made it is calling it home

The heart, in the end, leaves the body for yonder

For it was created to live a full life that is longer

And carries the pulse of a strength that is stronger

Tags: _writing _poetry _september2017 _2017